Home ยป Unagi (Lime Bar) – Manchester Quays

Unagi (Lime Bar) – Manchester Quays

Unagi Manchester

“Unagi totally aced the art of making food Insta-worthy.”

Embarking on our debut review adventure, we hit up the buzzed-about Unagi in Manchester, nestled within the Lime bar across the Quays. These folks are all about Japanese street food, and let me tell you, their menu could make you leave a drool trail. Fun tidbit: We couldn’t help but wonder if the whole concept/name was swiped from Ross in Friends… and guess what? After catching the waitress off guard, she spilled the beans โ€“ it’s totally named after Ross. Love it! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿฃ #UnagiManchester #FriendsVibes

The Photos of course

  • Unagi Manchester
  • Unagi Manchester
  • Unagi Manchester
  • Unagi Manchester
  • Unagi Manchester

Alrighty, buckle up because we’ve got a ton to spill, and trust me, it took a solid 48 hours to digest all the delectable details! ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฐ Let the foodie banter begin! ๐Ÿ˜„

VIBE – So, nestled in the Lime bar, the Unagi spot gave us all the cozy, laid-back feels with a cool fusion vibe. The booths were like a comfy embrace, dishing out that cosmopolitan charm. Ideal for dates, hangouts, or squad shenanigans. And hey, if you haven’t checked out the Quays, they’re a whole adventure on their own!

Gram-worthy – Alright, peeps, let’s keep the chatter low and let the pics take the stage. Unagi totally aced the art of making food Insta-worthy. Presentation game strong โ€“ and you know, in the food world, it’s a ‘make or break’ situation. So, if you’re the type who’s all about snapping food pics for the ‘Gram and nibbling just a bit (yeah, we see you!), this spot is your happy place ๐Ÿ“ธ.

FLAVOURS – No use having food that’s all glam but tastes like a drama student’s failed cooking experiment (no offence, drama students, we know your talents lie elsewhere ๐Ÿคช). But hold up, this joint was the real deal! Tasty bites, decent portions โ€“ street food done right. ๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿฅข The Karaage chicken? Absolute must-try (seriously, double up on that unreal sauce). Spring rolls were a genius move, and the sushi was on point. Fish tacos? Yum, if you’re cool with a little raw fish action. As for the chilli noodles, not bad, but nothing to write home about.

THE FORK-OUT– So, we’re sitting in this swanky joint by the theatre, primo spot on the Quays. Sure, you might argue that street food’s usually the budget move, but here’s the plot twist โ€“ it’s all about that richness, freshness, and top-notch quality. We left feeling like we hit the food jackpot!

Crew – Okay, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty because, let’s be real, a shaky service can totally ruin a food fiesta. So, heads up, folks! If you’re banking on an NHS discount, Unagi won’t cut it. But Lime bar do offer it and you can mix and match from both menus, but we stuck with Unagi (solid choice, by the way). The staff? Maybe not the clearest communicators, but hey, no biggie. Got hit with the wrong bill and some slow-mo responses, but we shot a message to Unagi, and they’re on it! Blamed it on Lime bar’s crew and promised to sort things out. We feel seen, appreciated, and ready for round two. ๐Ÿ‘Š

All in all, it lives up to the hype for a fun evening out. Total recommendation โ€“ go check it out, and hit us up in the comments with your tales! Funny stories? Definitely welcome! ๐Ÿคฃ We’ll leave you with some Unagi wisdom from Ross: “Only by achieving true unagi can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.” Wise words, Ross, wise words.

Unagi Menu
Address – Unit G1,
Quayside MediaCityUK,
The Quays,
Manchester M50 3AH

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