Home » Sakura – Manchester

Sakura – Manchester

Picture this: the future we’ve all been low-key dreading because of too many Black Mirror marathons and the rampant use of the term AI in everything nowadays. But what if, just what if, these robot overlords promised us an exciting, top-notch Japanese dining experience? Count us in! (Well, at least one of us is super psyched 😉). This might be one of those positive examples we can use for the future of tech. What are we on about? Well, you’ve probably spotted that mysterious robot on our front page (he / she / AI also speaks), and we’re here to spill all the juicy details about this Japanese dining experience that you absolutely, positively must have in your life. (And, between us, it’s our second time indulging 🤫).

Round two at this spot, and we’re practically seasoned pros now. Sakura, if you’re reading this, round three could be a blast, just saying! 😉 Honestly, not sure if we’ve eaten enough or taken enough pics yet #Sarcasm. From the snaps, you’ve likely got a few burning questions, and guess what? We’re diving straight into the juicy deets you’re itching to know.

So you get settled and are handed this snazzy little tablet, and bam, the whole menu is right there at your fingertips. Choose up to 10 dishes at a go, wait a chill 10 minutes, and then repeat. Brace yourself for the revelation and major plot twist – it’s an all-you-can-eat extravaganza!!!! So many rolls, so little time but we are ‘soy’ in love 😅 …🫶

VIBE – So, the vibe is pretty lit, and it’s got that chill Japanese feel. The setup is spot-on, giving you an authentic Japanese experience, and oh boy, those robotic waiters zipping around – almost took us out! Okay, a slight exaggeration, they’ve got the whole stopping thing down, but imagine if it went sideways (cue dramatic music). Nah, just kidding, it’s cool, and you’re gonna dig it for a relaxed evening. Dress up or keep it casual – we spotted a mix, including a few celebrating birthdays. Bonus points for having their own parking lot – a rarity in Manchester. So far, so good!

Gram-worthy – Robots, flashy lights, and an endless parade of food – you be the judge of whether this place will set your feed on fire. Spoiler alert: It totally will, especially since every dish struts out looking Insta-worthy. Let’s be real, the robots are the big show stealers here, a total gimmick but heck, it’s an experience worth having. We snapped more pics than ever before – blame the non-stop food parade! Had to eventually tuck the phones away and dig into the feast like good little divine diners.

FLAVOURS – Oh boy, even on round two, we were still staring at the menus like we just landed on a different planet. It’s like a culinary universe – noodles, rice, fried wonders – you name it, they’ve got it, a buffet lovers dream! Sure, there might be a few duds, but who cares? Keep ordering, keep munching – it’s a food marathon! Full scoop – 90% of the dishes were a taste bud sensation, and by the end, we were officially in a food coma. My advice? Dive into everything; you won’t regret it. And oh, don’t miss the dessert counter – sweet tooth heaven. Full marks from the Divine Diners team!

THE FORK-OUT– Okay, the money talk – it’s subjective and depends on your usual dining habits. The ticket here is £29.99 per person, and drinks are an extra dance on your wallet, but within that tag, you’re free to devour as much as your heart (or stomach) desires. Tapas-style portions with all your usual faves lined up. The food quality? Not too shabby, making it a pretty sweet deal. Especially when you think about how most takeaways in Manchester would charge you close to a tenner for a rice or noodle dish, and can easily creep up to £20 for a pair of Bao buns or sides etc. Pro tip: come hungry – it’ll pay off, we promise!

Crew – Yeah, so the robots take care of the delivery dance, but the human squad still pulls the weight – think washing, plate-cleaning, and the warm greeting and seating routine. A robust team, and they’ve got your back for whatever you need. Sure, a few moments of “lost in translation” with the staff, but hey, they’re a good bunch. Not exactly a staff hiccup, but on the robot’s route to deliver food, we noticed some nearby tables doing a little dish-napping while the robot was doing its stop and chat bit (delivering other food). 😂 Kudos to those customers for their cheeky game, but just a heads-up during your 10-minute chill until the next order window opens!

Oh, we’re over the moon with this spot! It wouldn’t have made the cut for round two if it didn’t hit the sweet spot. Sure, every once in a while, you might encounter a chewy mishap or something not quite grooving with your taste buds, but let’s be real – with the power to just hit up the menu for something fresh, those little bumps in the flavor road don’t sting as much. (And hey, let’s not waste food, right? Speak up if something’s not jiving with your taste buds.) Now, quit reading and go dive into the experience, while we daydream about a robot fetching us that tin of biscuits from the cupboard. Pretty please, robot friends?

Sakura Website
175 Cheetham Hill Rd,
Cheetham Hill,
M8 8LG

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