Home ยป Cosy Club – Manchester

Cosy Club – Manchester

Ah, You’ve heard the saying, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. But let’s not forget, it’s also mega crucial that it hits the spot, setting the tone for a buzzing day ahead. After narrowing down a dozen brunch spots (yeah, it’s a thing ๐Ÿ˜…), we decided on The Cosy Club in the heart of Manchester city centre. Didn’t read any reviews, so not sure on expectations โ€“ we went in a little blind.

I must admit, a tiny part of me was secretly hoping for PJ’s and blankets, like having breakfast in bed all cosy. Okay, maybe that’s a tad ridiculous, but hey, who wouldn’t love that? ๐Ÿ˜ Divine Diners was still in its conceptual phase at this point, so we were limited on pics. However, we did swing back later to snap a pic of the building โ€“ looks good for the Gram, if nothing else.

We’re a little limited on our dad joke style puns today I’m afraid. We could go down the route of being snug, warm and wrapped up etc but do you know what, instead of wasting time and energy…Oh wait, let me try again ‘This place will leave your waistline feeling snug and heart warm by the time we wrap up this review’ ๐Ÿ˜‰. It had to be done.

VIBE -The Cosy Club resides in a charming little building in a bustling area. Picture this โ€“ you walk up the stairs and voila greeted by a pop-up waitress before, you’re seated. We got lucky with a lovely window spot overlooking the city centre โ€“ absolutely b-e-a-utiful. The place was buzzing for a Sunday at noon, but hey, that’s par for the course in the city centre. No riff-raff, just a delightful mix of couples, friends, and even some families. Oh, and for the record, there were no PJ’s or blankets in sight โ€“ a tad disappointing, perhaps ๐Ÿ˜….

Gram-worthy – The vibe here is unique, that’s for sure. The food is undeniably well-presented, as you can see. Now, the decor and layout โ€“ that’s a bit of a mixed bag depending on personal taste. We personally liked it, but let’s be honest, it’s not the kind of place that’ll blow your socks off. However, it does have a distinctive charm. In their defense, it seems like they intentionally aim for a dated 1950s style, giving off an old gentleman’s club feel. We didn’t hate it, that’s for sure.

FLAVOURS – The menu was a breakfast/brunch dream, and our only regret is that we didn’t order more to try (Hey, @cosyclub, feel free to invite us back for a munch ๐Ÿ˜‰). Let’s kick things off with the Shakshuka โ€“ a bit of a risky choice since it’s not easy to nail. Our feedback? It’s a wholesome option, but if you’ve had this dish before, your expectations might be high. Now, onto the classic breakfast โ€“ a simple choice, but we were rooting for it to hit the mark. Unfortunately, the bacon came out cold, but credit to the staff โ€“ they replaced it super quick (though, sadly, we got fewer rashers in the replacement by the fella delivering it โ˜น๏ธ). If you’ve read our reviews, you know we’re always cheering for the best experience. It wasn’t terrible, and definitely go for the homemade rostis โ€“ they melt in the mouth.

THE FORK-OUT– The vibe here is definitely premium, and being a hot spot in the city centre, it’s in line with expectations. If we were to gauge it on expectations, price, and then factor in the quality/portions of the food, sadly, we’d say it’s probably not the best value for money compared to other spots in the area. Add a bit more oomph to the food quality and portions, and then it becomes a whole different ball game. That being said, it wasn’t extortionate, and the value won’t totally catch you off guard โ€“ it’s just a bit meh, a take-it-or-leave-it situation.

Crew – Now, here’s where the positive vibes shine through. The waitress who took care of us was incredibly attentive and a total legend. Even with the whole bacon situation, she was on it straightaway. It truly makes a difference, and we appreciate it a lot. In fact, we were so pleased that we wanted to tip her directly, even though it’s usually a shared tip situation โ€“ We tipped anyway even if we weren’t entirely happy with everyone (the guilt would have crippled us otherwise ๐Ÿ˜…).

Alright, so this is our first ‘meh’ or underwhelming review, I suppose. We did have a nice time, but it’s a bit hit and miss. The service swayed us into the positive zone, but the food was just okay, and then the view was great, but the value was dipping. Feel our rollercoaster dilemma? In a nutshell, we’d say go check it out and let us know because we think some people will love it, and some may agree with us.

Cosy Club Menu
Corn Exchange,
37 Hanging Ditch,
M4 3TR

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